Types of government building
- en capitol (n, artifact) ➜
- en chancellery (n, artifact) ➜
- en courthouse (n, artifact) ➜
- en customhouse (n, artifact) ➜
- en diplomatic building (n, artifact) ➜
- en Statehouse (n, artifact) ➜
- en town hall (n, artifact) ➜
- en capitol building (n) ➜
- en city hall (n) ➜
- en consulate (n) ➜
- en courthouse (n) ➜
- en customs house (n) ➜
- en embassy (n) ➜
- en parliament building (n) ➜
- en police facility (n) ➜
- en A post office ➜
- en post office building (n) ➜
- en prime ministry building (n) ➜
- fi hallintorakennus (n, artifact) ➜
- fi ministeriörakennus (n, artifact) ➜
- fi virastorakennus (n, artifact) ➜
- pt edifícios governamentais (n, artifact) ➜
- th อาคารสำนักงานของรัฐ (n, artifact) ➜
- de regierungsgebäude (n) ➜
Links to other resources
- umbel.org /umbel/sc/GovernmentalBuilding
- sw.opencyc.org /2012/05/10/concept/en/GovernmentalBuilding
- wordnet-rdf.princeton.edu 103454508-n