pt levar ao hospital
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 2.83
pt passam mal Source: Open Mind Common Sense contributors jfk123, ice_beam, and morfetus
pt levar ao hospital
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 2.83
pt estão doentes Source: Open Mind Common Sense contributors havasi, dimiguel, and flor
pt levar ao hospital
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
pt quando estão com dor Source: Open Mind Common Sense contributors ivonegodoi
pt levar ao hospital
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
pt es tão doentes Source: Open Mind Common Sense contributors andrebraga
pt levar ao hospital
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
pt sentem dor Source: Open Mind Common Sense contributors formigoni