zh 敷衍了事
― Causes ⟶
Weight: 2.0
zh 失敗 Source: 2 players of the PTT Pet Game
zh 敷衍了事
― Causes ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 爸媽碎碎念 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 敷衍了事
― Causes ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 老師罵 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 敷衍了事
― Causes ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 惡運 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 敷衍了事
― Causes ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 不成功 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game